Babette van Gerwen
Will Kennedy
Opening 2 Sept from 5 pm
2 to 9 Sept 2023
Daily from 12 to 6 pm
Foundation Bad
Talingstraat 5, Rotterdam
Titled ‘To be inside, looking out’, inspired by Alice Walker’s poem ‘Grace’, this exhibition showcases recent combined and individual works by Babette van Gerwen and Will Kennedy. Their creations explore the essence of everyday life, derived from nature, human interactions, and places. The exhibition starts out from observations, reflecting the interplay of external surroundings and internal emotions. Their art contemplates the human-nature connection, often portraying scenes where people are subtly absent. As current and former Foundation Bad guests (Will in 2021, Babette in 2023), this exhibition unites their separate residency projects, offering a multifaceted view of their creative journey.
Babette van Gerwen

Babette van Gerwen. When the Trees Start Dancing, Oil on canvas, 60 x 90 cm
Babette van Gerwen, an artist with a background in geography, explores the interaction between nature and human sensitivity. Using painting, drawing and poetry, she looks at how the natural environment plays with our everyday felt experience and, conversely, how we can find our feelings reflected back to us in our surroundings.
Will Kennedy

Will Kennedy, Morning, watercolour and pencil on paper
Will Kennedy is an artist that primarily makes paintings and drawings. His creations centre around the celebration of abstract forms and everyday life, aiming to inspire individuals towards embracing their creativity.
Grace – by Alice Walker
Gives me a day
Too beautiful
I had thought
To stay indoors
And yet
Washing my dishes
My shelves
Throwing out
The wilted
Shrunken garlic
I discover
I am happy
To be inside
Looking out.
This, I think,
Is wealth.
Just this choosing
Of how
A beautiful day
Is spent.
Getting to Bad