This event is hosted by foundation B.a.d
Deel 3 van drie performance-avonden over het gesproken woord in verschillende kunstdisciplines, samengesteld door Toine Horvers, Samuel Vriezen, Dante Boon en Cora Schmeiser. Een viering van de orale traditie in de kunsten waar de stemmen van dichters, beeldend kunstenaars, musici, dansers, acteurs en vertellers elkaar ontmoeten.
Part 3 of three performance-evenings about the spoken word in different art disciplines, composed by Toine Horvers, Samuel Vriezen, Dante Boon and Cora Schmeiser. A celebration of the oral tradition in the arts, in which the voices of poets, visual artists, musicians, choreographers, actors and storytellers meet.
Words Live 3 heeft een middag en avondprogramma met een maaltijd om 19.00 – Entree: 6 €, maaltijd 10 €
graag reserveren vóór 2 mei op Please make your reservation before 2 May on the above e-mail address
Cora Schmeiser Kurt Schwitters: Ursonate 1922 – 1932 part 1, I.K. Bonset: Letterklankbeelden 1921 Samuel Vriezen Samuel Vriezen: Gewrichten 2006, 15 12 2007 Toine Horvers Toine Horvers: Names, Sections of the Head 2007 Dante Boon reads John Cage.
- The four programmers of Words Live introduce the afternoon by each reading their choice of a solo performance text.
George Quasha US Axial talk. Quasha will explain and demonstrate the Axial Principle.
- An American artist and poet, Quasha is fascinated by the concept of axiality as it appears in language, sculpture, drawing, video, sound, installation and performance.
Arie Altena Lecture: (2009)
- Altena is a literary theorist, media researcher and poet. Among other subjects he has written on the connection between recited and chanted epic poetry.
18.00 Andrea Saemann CH Representing Presence 2009, a performance by Andrea Saemann thanks to Joan Jonas. - Saemann tells stories and recounts historical performances, particularly legendary works by female artists, which she reworks in body, mind and language.
PJ Roggeband Harsesplaat – Wordt het een Woordtopelf of gaat de Associatieman tekeer? 2008 - One of PJ’s hilarious performances about his fascination: eleven-letter words.
PJ Roggeband Plattegrond, taalexpeditie in elf stappen 2008 – 2009 - Expedition of language in eleven steps around a lonely tree. For groups of up to 15 people in the B.A.D. garden (weather permitting)
19.00 Maankasteel presents a beautiful meal. - For many years Nicky Lüneburg has been running this small catering company together with Ron Nout.
20.00 Jackson Mac Low Band Works by Jackson Mac Low (Biblical Poems 1954/1955, Is That Wool Hat My Hat? 1980), Samuel Vriezen (Motet, 2004), Toine Horvers (Waves, 2004), new works by Dante Boon (text: Vito Acconci), Helène Gélèns, Geert Buelens, and other works. - The Jackson Mac Low Band is a group of four composer/musician/poets who perform polyphonic text compositions, inspired by the work of the American experimental poet/composer Jackson Mac Low
21.00 Tom Johnson US/FR Lecture with Repetition 1974, Lecture with Question Period 1974 - In his compositions Tom Johnson creates light-hearted games based on strict rules, related to minimal and conceptual art.
22.00 Han vd Vegt De Paladijnen. Sound: Sasker Scheerder. - A grand science fiction epic, performed by heart by the poet. De Paladijnen tells of an epic quest in a post-apocalyptic landscape populated by cyborg vehicles.
And afterwards: Jan van den Dobbelsteen will play us music and sounds from his
33 ….records collection, chosen especially for this occasion.