Artists participating in the project will present their own perspectives
regarding the principle of squatting. The group exhibition hopes to offer
the audience a new way of viewing artworks and understanding the
legitimacy of an occupation.
group exhibition curated by Heena Kim
Aletta de Jong
Almudena Lobera
Anique Weve
Anne Schiffer
Barbara Helmer
Bebe Beliz
Eric Roelen
Frank Bruggeman
Hannah Droessen
Hanneke van der Werf
Heena Kim
Helmut Smits
Jeroen Jongeleen
Jozeth van de Snepscheut
Kamiel Verschuren
Karin Arink
Marco Douma
Reinaart Vanhoe
Saturday 16 November 2013, 13.00 -18.00
Sunday 17 November 2013, 13.00 -17.00
with performances by Anique Weve,
Bebe Beliz, and Hannah Droessen
foundation B.a.d
Talingstraat 5
3082 MG Rotterdam