Oasism lll_(B.a.d to the future), April – Mai, Villa des Arts Casablanca, Casablanca
Oasism III describes the proces of BTTF (B.a.d to the future) in which Foundation B.a.d investigates new political and social strategies to sustain and reinvent their studio complex for the future.
In 1991 Foundation B.a.d squatted its current residency. Although the foundation has maintained the building for the last 12 years, it is in need for major structural renovation. With this in mind B.a.d has to rethink its future. To sustain the building, a new political and social strategy with a clear view on the future has to be formulated. In a survey the individual artists have expressed their wishes. In models and case studies, an ideal future situation for the foundation, as a self developed working and living space, are being developed.