Masaki Umetsu – Order out of Chaos
Masaki Umetsu presents two different light installations that use the facilities of the Guest Studio and Project Room at Foundation B.a.d. More than 5,000 pages taken from different books have been transformed into light screens, which have been installed in the old lockers of the 1st floor guest studio and windows of the 2nd floor project room.
The central motif of
Masaki Umetsu’s work is based on two different viewpoints. On the one hand he attempts to convey an understanding of the transition of natural states e.g. from gas to liquid. This is based on the natural sciences through the use of untainted elements and phenomena such as water,
sound, gravity, heat and light. For Umetsu this raises the question; Does the essence of the object lie in its form, or does it lie in the logos encapsulated within it? He examines the limit of this question through the nature of existence in its visible and invisible dimensions. On the other hand, he discovers contradictions and hidden anomalies in the ordinary environment, then tries to break down the radical meaning to reconstruct elements again from a philosophical point of view. The tangled mass of information facing individuals in the modern world causes them to loose sight of their own outline. Umetsu’s works intend to reflect and represent the essential ontological landscape of modernity.