Marlike Marks, Vivian Ammerlaan ‘Constructions of Desire’

Marlike Marks, Vivian Ammerlaan ‘Constructions of Desire’

On view day and night in B.a.d.’s window displays on Arendsweg.
6 Feb to 20 March 2022.
Opening 4pm, Saturday 12 Feb.

Marlike Marks
Memories of Tomorrow

In Memories of Tomorrow, Marlike Marks uses polaroids to ethereally capture vulnerable, elusive moments of closeness and connection; fleeting, like long forgotten thoughts or vaguely remembered feelings. Over time, the polaroids will feel more dreamed than real. Blurred and out of focus, like memories faded with time.

Vivian Ammerlaan

Vivian Ammerlaan’s  Waanplekken (Dutch for Delusional Places) are a personal search to depict the sublime: things that can give you the feeling of awe and terror. She uses materials to create impressions of landscapes and elements, embracing the paradox of creating a wilderness and untouched places with her own hands.

Getting to B.a.d.