B.a.d Event #7 – Visual poetry

B.a.d Event #7 – Visual poetry

B.a.d Event #7 – Visual poetry

This event is organised by three members of B.a.d, namely Marcel van den Berg, Ties Ten Bosch & Kamiel verschuren and our artist in residence guest Abner Preis.

Marcel van den Berg

The kinship of poetry and visual art simply is embedded in the origins of writing, the picture alphabets, and has been reinforced throughout history: from the Greek magical papyri up to the free text-pictures from Mallarmé and Apollinaire, to entirely unique forms of visual poetry created by contemporary artists. Marcel van den Berg will give a short lecture on interdisciplinary practices in poetry.

Ties Ten Bosch

Another ‘illuminating’ text-based artwork created by artist Ties Ten Bosch.

Abner Preis and Marcel van den Berg

Imagine that one day you wake up and there is a dead whale carcuse outside of your house. That is how much each person in the world puts out in garbage. 37 tons of whale fat. ‘Trash Tsar’ is visual poem/ multimedial performance created by Abner Preis and Marcel van den Berg featuring DJ Toby and magic entertainer ‘Kortini’ (www.kortini.nl).

Kamiel Verschuren

During the 38e Poetry International Festival 2007, Kamiel Verschuren made several video recordings of poets reading data files from his personally generated software program ‘Semantic Structures’. This program serves as a thinking machine and instrument in order to examine the dimensions of semantic coherence within language and thought: words are supplied with meaning by words around them. This referential structure can be imagined as a hermetic spatial branching system without starting point or end – one that continuously and simultaneously develops in all directions. Each representation is a frozen instant, a cross-section of a four-dimensional structure that is infinite and can only partially be conceived. Amongst presenting a series of large prints, Kamiel Verschuren will show a first edit of the video-recordings with Jürgen Rooste (EST), Morten Søndergaard (DEN), Danie Marais (SA) and Fatima Naoot (EGY).
Location: Foundation B.a.d, Talingstraat 5, 3082 MG Rotterdam.
Start at 19.30. Free entrance
B.a.d. Events are made possible by Dienst Kunst en Cultuur (DKC) Rotterdam.