Aether: Tones and Talks #2

Aether: Tones and Talks #2

Aether: Tones and Talks #2

1 April 2010, doors 19.30

Fresh off the back of an outbreak of new releases by its upcoming guests Aether is super proud to present a wealth of local Rotterdam based talent to reorder our sonic expectations…


Mormo (Tomasz Kaye)

First up is Tomasz Kaye, a musician living in Rotterdam working under the project name Mormo. Mormo occupies a territory between the organic and the synthetic, working primarily with electronics and software. His new release, Epicurean Swerve (on the Bedroom Research label), has been described as ‘a deep, mind-twisting and immersive album which builds truly beautiful pieces of abstraction spiced with funky synth stabs, basses and ethereal melodies’. For this edition of Aether, Tomasz will explain the workings and innovations of an electronic music instrument he’s currently developing, a repurposing of the computer game joystick, followed by a performance demonstrating its use.

Roel Meelkop


Completing this event’s line up is the multi faceted artist and musician Roel Meelkop. Since studying art and theory Roel Meelkop’s practice has converged on the locus of sound and art, and explores an interest in the compositional structuring of sound based elements. He has had an extensive career not only producing installation work and releasing his own material, but also working collaboratively, and as a curator. His latest release is Grey Mass / Grey Matter (on the 1000füssler label) a number of tracks conceived as individual works which now intersect as if they have always belonged together. We are incredibly honoured that Roel shall be premiering a brand new multi channel audio performance; a reformulation of existing material contextualised for the outer limits of the Aether setting.

5 Records that Matter – Toine Horvers

For the second 5RTM we have invited the inimitable Toine Horvers. In common parlance Toine is a performance artist as well as a curator, yet interestingly he considers himself a designer whose works consist of simple systems and procedures for making language appear in time and space. He is especially interested in the form of language, which takes on the character of a ritual. Drawing on a wealth of knowledge and experience it shall be interesting to see how this fits in with our own ritual of 5 Records that Matter.

Toine’s 5 Records:

1. lp ‘Suites voor cello’ J.S. Bach 1711 – 1723 suite nr. 1 Predude door Anner Bijlsma


2. lp ‘In C’ Terry Riley 1967


3. lp ‘The Drones and the chanters’ The wounded huzar by Seamus Ennis Illeann Pipes


4. lp ‘De Profundis’ Arvo Pärt: ‘O Weisheit’ from Seven Magnificat Antiphones 1988 – 1991

5. lp ‘Het geheugen van een stad, Breda’ Jan van den Dobbelsteen 2002

extra gezongen:
lp ‘Moravian folk poetry in songs’ by Leos Janacek: ‘Perecko’ (rond 1900)