Aether: Tones and Talks #1
Aether is an event featuring the work and outlooks of artists and musicians. The format for the event is somewhere between a magazine and a radio show. Each event shall feature performances as well as presentations by invited guests. An informal evening of tones and talks. We hope you enjoy the atmosphere and the work of the artists we invite. For the first event, Aether proudly presents….
The 21st Century (Hidde van Schie) – Nocturnal Telurian
The 21st century is the musical brainchild of Hidde van Schie. The first musical incarnation of this project is the stunning album Nocturnal Telurian. A mellow combination of etherial field recordings sitting comfortably with adroit guitar ambience. Hidde shall talk about his new album and be performing a selection of his favourite tracks.
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Machinist (Zeno van de Broek)
Our third guest in tonight’s inaugural event is the architecturally invoking sound of Machinist. Machinist is Zeno van den Broek. An architect by profession he draws inspiration from modern art and the contemporary city. Since 2005 Machinist has created abstract landscapes of sound that are focused on the spatial experience of the auditor. Machinist melts sounds, art and space to create a truly sonic architecture. His performance will feature work from his new album ‘Viens Avec Moi Dans Le Vide’ Featuring five tracks, this record touches on ambient and drones, besides subtle melodic patterns that are more prominent than with previous Machinist releases. Together with Mendel Kaelen, Machinist won the 2009 round of X-Vektor, the Dutch contest for finding underground talent. Machinists election as the best act of 2009 was awarded with a performance on the State-X New Forms Festival and the release of The Unfolded Pigeon Response on 10 inch vinyl.
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Five Records That Matter: Roland Groenenboom
Our esteemed guest for the first 5RTM is Roland Groenenboom, renowned curator and music enthusiast. His selection is a tour de force set against a back drop of affiliations and friendships. He extended our original invite to select 5 records that matter to a network of friend and associates including Lee Renaldo, Lydia Lunch and Peter Fengler. The result is “a sort of map with links between my choices and the choices of the other contributors, and between those of the other contributors as well. Where do we agree and which are the extremes in the choices of this group of people?” We can’t wait!
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For Aether #1, Roland Groenenboom extended our invite to select ‘5 records that matter’ to a network of friends and associates including Lee Ranaldo, Lydia Lunch and Peter Fengler. The selection was shown as a detourned PowerPoint presentation, at the end of which he pinned info sheets to the wall for further inspection. Down this page is Lee Renaldo’s choice.