On view day and night in Bad’s window displays on Arendsweg.
8 Sept to 22 Oct 2023
Opening Friday 8 Sept. 17.00–19.00
Hello better world that starts with yourself!
Hello mom, I think I’ve got something to tell you.
Hello sex! Hello sexualised world. Hello prudishness!
Hello cishet male gaze. Hello H&M advertisement.
Hello nothing-tastes-as-good-as-skinny-feels.
Komm, benimm dich deinem Alter entsprechend.
Aber Daddy… Bitte bitte bitte!
In a second collaborative endeavor, Inge Aanstoot and Auke Triesschijn delve once more into each other’s artistic realms and archives, extracting whatever they discover along the way. Works are slapped onto a wall and into the world. The spectator is faced with a choice: will you avert your gaze, or are you prepared to embark on a journey of exploration.
Inge Aanstoot

Inge Aanstoot, born in 1987, graduated from the WDKA in Rotterdam as an artist. She is known for her narrative and figurative art, typically rendered on large canvases. However, for this exhibition, she has ventured into creating smaller works on paper.

Auke Triesschijn

Auke Triesschijn, also born in 1987, graduated with a degree in graphic design from the HKU in Utrecht. Over time, he has cultivated his identity as an artist, focusing on screen printing and video as his preferred mediums.

Getting to Bad