Celebrating a fresh new start of the year with
Jordy Walker (a kind of blues)
Friday Wilkinson (desperate rock)
Gees Voorhees (a dj in control)
Can white man sing the blues? Well Jordy creates at least his own version; hammering and growling he finds his way through his songs.
Friday Wilkinson at B.a.d is a kind of hello goodbye moment for Hidde van Schie. As a former B.a.d artist he keeps coming back. This time with some desperate soulmates in a louder version than we used to know of the man with tear.
Thursday 22 january, 2015
from: 17:00 – 22:00
entrance: free
drinks & food: not so free
Stichting B.a.d
Talingstraat 5
3082 MG Rotterdam
more info: www.stichtingbad.nl